To successfully build up your business you need to do some form of marketing. Everyone at the moment is spending a lot of their marketing attention on social media and other online platforms, but don’t forget good ole fashioned print marketing and separate your business from your competitors especially if most are running their marketing campaigns on social media. Here at Printing Wales in Cardiff we have hundreds of different printing products that you can choose from.
Here’s a few key ideas of where you can use printing to market your business
- When your client places an order, pack their purchased products inside some kind of bag and seal it using a sticker with your logo on it.
- Display your full colour brochures at locations where a lot of people visit
- If you go to events then stock yourself up with Business cards, Flyers and Postcards to take with you and hand out
- If you’re a cafe, gym or hair saloon, then Loyalty cards are great way to gain loyal customers who will come back
- Pop up banners are a fantastic way to promote your business at events or even just welcome clients in your offices.
If your concerned about being environmentally friendly, don’t worry we are too and most of our printing products are FSC-certified. You read more here
We hope this short blog has given you some ideas of how you can build your business with Printing Wales in Cardiff and we look forward to hearing from you to discuss your printing requirements.