Product Description
We understand that there are some occasions where you need order of service printing at the last minute. We can take all the printing and even the design work off your hands, leaving you to concentrate on the other preparations for the day. We offer a same day service as standard, but please give us more time if you can.
- Order of Service Printing for Weddings, Funerals, Christenings, etc.
- A5 Booklets folded and stapled to keep as mementos
- Colour printing for beautiful photos
- Turnaround 2-3 days including delivery
- Same day or Next day Service Available
How to order
Please email us your order of service word or pdf file in simple A4 or A5 pages in page order. We recommend using a minimum of font size 12. A Word Document is perfectly fine, although PDFs are better. Please don’t try to lay it out as a booklet (ie: putting 2 pages on 1 sheet), as we will make it into a booklet on our end.
Here are 2 basic templates for either a Wedding or Funeral that you can download and edit yourself:
Wedding template, Funeral Template
Once you have finished your order of service file, please email it to us on and we will reply with a quote and a PDF proof for you to approve, along with instructions on how to pay by card or Paypal.
If you would us to save you the hassle and professionally design your order of service, prices start from £20.